Sequencing Tips For Online Yoga

Sequencing can be one of the most creative aspects of teaching. "Sequence" generally refers to the order of poses that make up a class. Ashtanga for example, has a fixed sequence for poses in each class which means you'll do the same pose every time. This article will tell you how you can use sequencing as an element of your classes to get students

Other styles such as Vinyasa Flow or Iyengar have their own specific sequencing. As teachers, you can create a sequence for each class which the students will follow during their practice. A sequence is more than just a list of poses though.

When I say sequences, I often think of a story because they have a clear beginning, middle, and end. They work systematically to open and strengthen the practitioner's body while simultaneously keeping their mind focused through the direction they provide.

In addition to posture, there are a few other things you should think about in the classroom such as how well it's lit or if it has good acoustics. For example, if you lead an outdoor studio retreat in Hyderabad, there'd be no point doing an inverted workshop here.

Being mindful of the order of poses is another way to easily visualise and track your progress. For example, if you are in Kapotasana, you know that Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana should come next.

Let's take a look at some essential factors in putting together effective home practice sequences for online learners:

1. Students May have Limited Props

When you're setting up yoga classes online, or even teaching private lessons at home, remember that many people cannot use any accessories for yoga- if this is the case for your students, try to eliminate these from your props.

It is a common misconception that Supta Virasana can be achieved without the props required to make it comfortable, but this is not true. Though they may not be necessary for everyone, the prop requirements are significant.

While some people might be against this idea, it really should not matter. Instead, think of alternatives to standard accessories-- a normal belt instead of a yoga belt or towels instead of blankets. This can also be applied to piles of books instead of building blocks. Apply your curiosity to your personal living spaces and not only will you learn, but have fun with what solutions you find.

2. Make Sequences for Smaller Spaces

Imagine if people have limited space for activities. If you've ever taken yoga at a European hotel (or your child's room), you'll know for the first time that you only need the length of the floor mat to get an excellent practice.

We can often modify difficult poses by either suggesting you omit the time to raise your legs on a downward dog before stepping forward. Or as we enter or exit Uttanasana, an instruction of spreading the arm forward instead of upwards.

3. Have Smaller Classes

Most of the online classes I teach are repetitive in nature and only last for a little over an hour. Some teachers may see this as a problem but it actually offers new possibilities for yoga education!

Finding the time to do yoga can often be a problem. Give your students lots of options when it comes to attend courses, ranging from 30 mins all the way up to 90 minutes. The best time for home practice is 60 minutes.

4. Have Small Pauses in Between

Teachers of online yoga classes who want to provide more of a guided experience for their students can give the class more control over the environment. One boon of home studio style classes is you can specially choose how to design your room, how many mats to use, and whether or not you will stay afterwards for questions and feedback.

For example, saying things like "If you want to generate more heat, ask for a small break and do the sun salutation a few times more" or "If you want to keep one side of the posture for longer" is often helpful.

One of the toughest challenges a yoga teacher faces is persuading students to maintain the final pose. I use these advices on my blog in order to show people how they can better meet their needs with yoga.

5. It is ok, If There Are Distractions

One of the challenges of practicing at home is that it can be hard to stay focused. It is important to design your sequences in a way that will help you stay focused on the present.

For instance, someone can learn to control their breathing or posture. It's also good for students to set time aside for practice and make time for it in their schedule.

At first, it looks impossible to access completely blank walls or branded accessories, which seems to be a limitation. But by teaching online you have the opportunity to expand your creativity. You'll not only be exposed to new people but may also be exposing them.

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