
How Physical & Mental Health Are Connected? And How Yoga Can Help?

Mental health and physical health are interlinked, particularly when it comes to sleep disorders, eating habits, physical exercise, and daily activities.

3 Things You Can Do In A Yoga Class (And you thought you shouldn’t)

As a student, you can practice drawing outside the lines to see what you come up with. You might end-up creating something more

How To Keep Your Knees Safe In Yoga Class

The knee joint is a crucial piece of human anatomy that combines bones, cartilage and ligaments. It's the largest part of the human body and also

Importance of Silence in Yoga Class

People these days live in a world that is rife with noise. That’s why it can be hard for them to experience silence in any aspect of their lives

Sequencing Tips For Online Yoga

Sequencing can be one of the most creative aspects of teaching. "Sequence" generally refers to the order of poses that make up a class. Ashtanga for example

Building Community Via Online Yoga Classes

Building up a community around a class is tough and many students don't want to take the time out of their busy lives. Nowadays people can

6 Ways to Prepare for YTT

Most students who start their first yoga teacher training already have at least a few years of yoga practice. They might not realize it

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